Marine Grade Outdoor Kitchens, Granite Outdoor Kitchen Counters, Riviera Outdoor Decor, Corpus Christi, Texas,

Outdoor Kitchen Countertops for Coastal Areas

6 minute read

There are numerous options for outdoor kitchen countertops.  However,  what you choose depends on your budget and climate.  For this particular article, we will focus on coastal climates for outdoor  countertops.

First, an important note on quality selections for outdoor countertops, In an outdoor setting, inferior craftsmanship will deteriorate rather quickly.  In strong coastal outdoor elements, inferior craftsmanship will deteriorate even faster.  Combine inferior craftsmanship with using the wrong materials and the wrong construction method for tough coastal conditions and you will have wasted your money in no time at all.

This is the reason you want to be very selective regarding your outdoor kitchen and furniture pieces.  At Riviera Outdoor Decor, we offer a curated collection of coastal outdoor furniture and kitchens of selective materials and construction known to last in tough coastal outdoor elements of intense sun, wind and humidity.  This includes outdoor countertops.

For the purpose of this Blog, we will focus on the three top performers in Coastal Outdoor Kitchen Countertops.

Granite, Soapstone, Concrete and Tile Outdoor Countertops

Outdoor Kitchen Countertops in Leathered Granite and Marine Grade Outdoor Kitchen, Design by Riviera Outdoor Décor

Caribbean Inspired Outdoor Kitchen, Riviera Outdoor Décor Showroom, Corpus Christi, Texas

Granite Outdoor Countertops

Granite remains a coastal favorite and does not absorb wine, grease, sauces nor odors.  However there are key points of quality to look for when choosing granite for an outdoor countertop.

  • Look for granite that does not have a lot of veining.  The epoxies and fillers currently used in heavily veined granite can have problems with UV rays.  
  • Remember the choice in granite countertops- as well as any countertop, is to choose a brighter color since darker colors can absorb heat and be very uncomfortable for you and your guests.
  • The maintenance required for outdoor granite countertops can be rather minimal and that is polish and sealing. This is usually done on a biweekly basis. Note, the different types of granite require a different amount of maintenance.

Five types of Granite Countertops

We will discuss in detail the pros and cons of each granite countertops and which ones are recommended for outdoor countertops

  • Polished 
  • Honed 
  • Leathered
  • Caressed
  • Flamed

Polished Granite

Polished granite- just as the name describes, it is a shiny, mirror  finish.  The polish granite and high degree of  stain resistance is one of it's biggest advantages.  The natural pores become sealed during the finishing process making the stone more hygenic and moisture repellant. 

Pros- Polished granite will add a natural sheen to a room and help to brighten it.  It is also the most stain resistant and hygienic finish.

Cons- Can corrode under acidic or corrosive cleaners

Honed Granite

Similar to polished granite, honed granite looks extremely smooth.  However, honed granite it is not reflective. It has more of a matte, satiny finish.  Once popular for floors, it  has become extremely popular with the farmhouse look.

Pros- Smooth and functional surface

Cons- Not recommended for outdoor countertops- very porous and prone to staining.  Honed granite requires frequent sealing.  Any scratch or chip in the stone will be noticeable.

Leathered Granite

Leathered granite is currently trending for outdoor kitchen countertops.  A leathered finish will accentuate the granite stone better than a honed finish. 

Pros- Moderately stain resistant, it resist stains better than honed granite and disguises water spots and smudges better than polished granite. Leathered granite also enhances the stone's natural color.  

Cons- Reliefs in stone can make cleaning slightly challenging, accidental chips or scratches will be noticed.

Caressed Granite

Caressed Granite is a textured granite with shine. This finish is achieved by polishing the raised areas of a leather granite to make a lovely sheen that will accentuate the subtle reliefs in the stone. It is this polishing process that makes caressed granite more stain resistant than leathered granite. Polished granite remains the most stain resistant.  However, if you are looking for something a little more rugged, caressed granite may check all you boxes for style without the rigorous upkeep. 

Pros- More stain resistant than honed or leather.  SLight sheen can brighten a room.

Cons- Relief in stone makes cleaning slightly more difficult

Flamed Granite

A flamed granite finish is only suitable for granite.  To achieve this finish, you expose the stone to heat so intense that tiny grains inside burst.  This causes the crystals inside to change the stones colors to a more muted tones. 

It is the 'rough texture' and 'natural look' that makes flamed granite a beautiful selection for an outdoor kitchen.  However, do not let this rugged beauty fool you. It is the highly porous, textured surface that is prone to staining, trapping dirt and moisture.  This is an outdoor counter surface that requires resealing rather often. 

Pros- Beautiful, unique outdoor kitchen countertop.

Cons- Highly porous surface that requires resealing, one of the toughest outdoor kitchen countertop to keep clean.  An outdoor kitchen cover is recommended. 

Soapstone Outdoor Countertops

Another option that is excellent for outdoor countertops is Soapstone.  Unlike granite, it is non-porous so regular sealing is not required.  Remember, to choose Soapstone in a light color.  Dark colors will attract and hold heat.

Concrete Outdoor Countertops

Outdoor Kitchen CountertopsOutdoor Kitchen Countertops in Concrete with Simple Stainless Outdoor Kitchen Cabinets create a sleek and modern design

Concrete is also what is trending now thanks to the clean and contemporary look.  However, concrete countertops require special care at installation and the success of the installation depends on the expertise of the installer.  Concrete has to be reinforced with tensile steel and even then it can crack.  Concrete must be sealed at installation and resealed regurely.  

Concrete installation of countertops, especially that of outdoor countertops, have significantly evolved over the years with improved epoxies and fillers used in concrete outdoor countertops that are UV resistant.

At Riviera Outdoor Decor, we carry a specialized line of concrete countertops of elegant handcrafted concrete that is stable and UV protected for coastal outdoor kitchens.  

Tile Outdoor Countertops

Tile is an option for outdoor countertops.  Generally speaking it is a low budget item which can be helpful.  Quite often tile can be problematic with grout staining due to BBQ/Grill sauces.  It is also known to crack in the severe range of temperatures in coastal areas. 

Let's Design and Create an Outdoor Kitchen for you

If you live within the Corpus Christi area, we invite you to  Schedule a Showroom Visit and view our curated collection of coastal outdoor countertops, furnishings and marine grade outdoor kitchens with one of our designers.

Or, if you live out of the Corpus Christi area,  we can still design and create a coastal outdoor kitchen for you.  Many of our outdoor kitchen designs span the East Coast from Bethany Beach in Delaware, throughout the coast of Florida and South Padre Island, Texas.    Schedule a fifteen minute Get Acquainted call

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Riviera Outdoor Decor, Coastal Outdoor Kitchens and Countertops, Corpus Christi, Texas

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